Home Gout Remedies for Gout Relief

Gout remedies can save you from prolonged suffering and offer considerable gout relief. For people who suffer from gout, this may be quite intense and long lasting. Home gout treatments are often very ideal for individuals who would like to avoid medication whenever possible. There are easy methods to achieve gout relief and even reduce uric acid. These gout treatments may also avoid future gout problems. These home gout remedies may be managed at home using typical home items.
What Makes Gout Painful?

Gout is triggered by the build-up of uric acid in the blood stream. High uric acid levels is generally due to a lot of purines in your daily diet or the inability of the kidneys to excrete extra uric acid. While too much of uric acid is present it tends to collect in the minimum joints in the body. There it starts to harden and interfere with the function of the joints.

This hardening of the uric acid and avoiding the joint from working causes a significant amount of pain. While the body will finally re-absorb the uric acid as it breaks up, the flare-ups will still result in a significant amount of pain much like arthritis.

Common Home Gout Remedies for Gout Relief

While there's zero cure for gout, there are many home gout remedies for the pain of gout attacks. Most of these gout remedies may even avoid gout attacks from occurring. Using all these home gout remedies might help significantly in gout treatment and gout relief over a life time. Those gout remedies may also be used collectively to provide the most amount of gout relief. The reason is that home gout remedies offer just short-term gout relief. Talk to your doctor concerning these home gout remedies or any gout remedy before you use them.

Drink More Water

Drinking lots of water ought to be the first of the gout treatments you need to take during a gout attack. H2o can minimize the pain of gout by helping to dilute and get rid of the uric acid. Drinking water also helps dissolve the uric acid crystals in your joints. By having plenty of water every day, you'll find some gout relief which will curb the intensity of the pain if flare-ups should occur. For added benefit you may add a teaspoon of baking soda to a cup of h2o before drinking. This alkalizes the water that helps lower uric acid.

Hot and Cold Compress

These are the easiest yet most efficient home gout remedies for gout relief. A hot compress is generally a keeping of a heat pad or a heated foot bath that amplifies heat to the affected joints of the feet. Heating the affected place will improve circulation. This can help remove uric acid from the affected area helping with the pain. Alternatively, a cold compress alleviates and soothes pain and minimizes swelling. We suggest using a towel soaked in ice water rather than ice as ice can hurt the skin. Use a cold compress alternately with a hot compress using every compress for ten minutes. Elevating the affected area while applying a hot and cold compress will also help achieve gout relief.


Ginger was used for ages not only as a spice but also as a medicinal herb. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it a ideal home gout treatment for pain and swelling.

You are able to prepare a ginger compress differently. You are able to slice it up into thin slices and flatten it with a rolling pin or a mortar and pestle and apply it on the affected area. You may use a bandage or tie a handkerchief to keep it in place. You mix also add a cup of carefully chopped or grated ginger with a litre water and bring it to a boil. Soak a small towel in the boiled ginger solution and apply it as a hot compress. If the pain is on your foot, you can prepare a larger serving of this solution and use it as a warm foot bath, just make sure you let it cool until the heat is manageable. Also make sure to rinse your skin thoroughly as ginger can irritate the skin.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate is commonly used to soothe soreness, pain and swelling. This makes it an ideal gout remedy. If your gout attack is centered on the foot or big toe, you can prepare and Epsom salt foot soak. Fill a basin or a wide mouthed bucket and with warm water and add 1 cup of Epsom salt. Soak your feet in the solution for 15 minutes at a time for gout relief. If multiple joints are affected, an Epsom salt bath can be beneficial. Prepare an Epsom salt bath by adding 2-3 cups of Epsom salt to a bathtub of warm water and soak for 15 minutes at a time.

Flax Seeds and Activated Charcoal

Flax seed is mostly known for being a good way to control cholesterol levels due to its Omega-3 fatty acid content. Some studies suggest that flax seed can also be a good gout remedy. Flax seed is known to reduce swelling and promote blood circulation . Not only that, some studies also suggest that flax seed improves renal function which helps reduce uric acid. Activated charcoal is also known to reduce uric acid and draw toxins from the body.

Taking flax seed and activated charcoal internally is known to reduce uric acid levels and lessen swelling. Doctors recommend taking half a teaspoon of activated charcoal powder 4 times a day. There are also activated charcoal capsules you can buy for easier ingestion. Flax seed can eaten as is or added to your breakfast cereal or yoghurt. It can also be used as an ingredient in baked pastries.

Alternatively, a mixture of 3 - 5 tablespoons of ground flaxseed with ½ cup powdered activated charcoal mixed with warm water makes a nice paste for topical application. Apply the poultice directly on the affected area and hold with a dressing or wrap with plastic. Leave it on for 4 to 12 hours for best results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a extremely debated natural gout treatment. Apple cider vinegar has high acidity levels, and the usage of acidic foods can aggravate a patient’s gout symptoms.

Supporters of this remedy claim that apple cider vinegar can aid in gout relief. According to them, a normal dose or apple cider vinegar might help ease gout inflammations by breaking down uric acid crystals that result in gout pains in the joints. They claim that there will be an initial increase of gout symptoms after the first few intakes of this home gout remedy. This may be due to the fact that an increase in acidity in the diet can increases gout inflammations. They claim this will soon subside as the body gets used to the apple cider vinegar. A commonly suggested dose is two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar taken two times a day. Common preparations of this gout remedy include mixing it with water, honey or both to make it easier to ingest.

Those who oppose this gout remedy on the other hand say that after trying this gout treatment, their gout got worse. Their personal experience includes increased inflammation in certain joints, mostly in the hands and feet.

Others still say that this remedy is a myth and doesn't affect gout in any way.

Given all of the various opinions on this remedy, our best recommendation is to consult with your doctor before trying out this home gout remedy.

It would be better to consult your medical professional first before using these or any gout remedies. We also recommend you to do your own research regarding these gout remedies or some other gout remedy you might have encountered.

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